Antonia Guidotti

Antonia Guidotti at microscope

Antonia Guidotti

Technician, Entomology

Phone: 416.586.5765


B.Sc., Toxicology and Zoology, University of Toronto, 1990
M.Sc., Zoology, University of Toronto, 1999

Antonia Guidotti is an entomology technician in the Department of Natural History at the ROM.

Antonia was initially hired on a 10-month contract in 1994 in the Department of Entomology, and worked for the department in various capacities until she became a full-time entomology technician in 2000. In addition to assisting curators with preparation of manuscripts and research, she identifies insects for the public, museums and other institutions, and responds to general inquiries about insects. Part of her time is spent curating and databasing the insect collection. She is an occasional contributor to the ROM blog.

Antonia was a member of the working group that wrote the "Butterflies of Toronto: A Guide to Their Remarkable World", part of the City of Toronto Biodiversity Series published in 2011. She is a co-author of the "ROM Field Guide to the Butterflies of Ontario," published in 2014. 

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Recent Publications

Hall, Peter.W., Colin D. Jones, Antonia Guidotti, and Brad Hubley. 2014.  ROM Field Guide to Butterflies of Ontario. ROM Press, Toronto. 488 pp.

Butterflies of Toronto: A Guide to their remarkable world. 2011. City of Toronto Biodiversity Series. City of Toronto.

Guidotti, A.E. 2007. A revision of the wasp genus Paniscomima (Hymenoptera: Rhopalosomatidae) and a proposal of phylogenetic relationships among species. Invertebrate Systematics, 21, 297-309.

Johnson, N.L., L.Masner, L. Musetti, S. Van Noort,  Rajmohana K., D.C. Darling, A. Guidotti and A. Polaszek. 2008. Revision of world species of the genus Heptascelio Kieffer (Hymenoptera: Platygastroidea, Platygastridae). Zootaxa 1776: 1-51.


Research Projects

The Ontario Bioblitz brings together experts, citizen scientists and the general public to inventory all species in a particular area.