Brad Hubley

Pinning moths in Mulu National Park, Borneo, 2013

Brad Hubley

Technician, Entomology and TMS

Interests: Entomology, canoeing, backcountry camping

Exhibitions & Galleries: Life in Crisis: Schad Gallery of Biodiversity; Patrick and Barbara Keenan Family Gallery of Hands-on Biodiversity; The Bat Cave

Phone: 416-586-5764


Brad Hubley is the entomology collection manger in the Department of Natural History.

Brad began his career at the ROM in 1984 as a summer student in the then Department of Invertebrate Zoology.  Having studied both entomology and invertebrate zoology at the University of Toronto, his academic skills were put to the test as his duties focussed on sorting insects and non-insect invertebrates from a collection of aquatic organisms that had been donated to the department by an environmental consulting firm.  The following year, a position opened up for an entomology technician and Brad has been at the ROM ever since.

Less than three months after being hired, Brad participated in what would turn out to be the first of more than two dozen field trips across the globe to document insect biodiversity.  This first trip was for six weeks throughout the southwestern US, north to Alberta, and back to Ontario.  Since then he has travelled to southeast Asia (Vietnam, Indonesia, Malaysia, Palau), Central and South America (Costa Rica, Guyana), the Russian far east, across Canada and as far north as Banks Island in the Northwest Territories.  An avid SCUBA diver, Brad was also pleased to participate in coral reef fish surveys in Palau and Vietnam.

Collecting insects at night in Mulu National Park, Malaysia, 2013

Collecting insects with the aid of a mercury-vapour light, Mulu National Park, Malaysia, 2013

Muskox, Banks Island, Northwest Territories, July 2011

Muskox, Banks Island, Northwest Territories, July 2011

Brad’s primary responsibilities at the ROM centre on the day-to-day management of the museum’s entomology collection of approximately 1.2 million specimens (this figure does not include millions more of fluid-preserved samples in bulk collections obtained via Malaise traps, pan and light traps, etc.).  He prepares loans for specialists from other institutions, databases specimens within the collection and participates in a variety of public programming activities, e.g. March Break, BioBlitz, Fact or Fiction, curator’s corner.  He was also a member of the Gallery Development Team for the ROM’s “Life in Crisis: Schad Gallery of Biodiversity”.  Currently, when not found in the entomology collection room, Brad is concentrating on a new project; he has been assigned the role as lead for the migration of the ROM’s Natural History databases into a single, new collection management system, “The Museum System”.  Once this project is complete, all of the museum’s collection databases will be housed within one system and made publically available via the ROM’s website.

In his spare time, Brad is an avid canoeist and backcountry camper.  Every year he can be found spending up to ten days paddling throughout remote areas of Ontario where he and his canoeing partner can go for days without seeing another soul.  No trip is considered a success however without the sighting of a moose!

Female moose in Algonquin Provincial Park, August 2011

Female moose in Alqonquin Provincial Park, August 2011

You can get in touch with Brad below or via his Twitter moniker: @Entogeek


Recent Publications:

The ROM Field Guide to Butterflies of Ontario

Hall, Peter.W., Colin D. Jones, Antonia Guidotti, and Brad Hubley. 2014.  ROM Field Guide to Butterflies of Ontario. ROM Press, Toronto. 488 pp.


Spiders of Toronto: A Guide to Their Remarkable World

Spiders of Toronto: A Guide to their remarkable world. 2012. City of Toronto Biodiversity Series. City of Toronto.


Related Links:

ROM 2013 Interdisciplinary Field Expedition to Gunung Mulu National Park in Malaysia: Photos and Videos © Joshua See 2016

Museum Diaries – Episode 2: Borneo Bound:

ROM Scientist: #iamascientist

ROM’s Fragile Treasures:

The Insider Guide to the ROM (Queen Alexandra Birdwing Butterflies):